The Story of Chopstick Rests and Their Culture

The Story of Chopstick Rests and Their Culture

Using a chopstick rest is a very Japanese part of enjoying a meal. It is a meaningful piece of a Japanese tableware setting and you can express your style with the one you choose to use. It is a small way to find joy during your meal. 

Here is an interesting story for you! The origin of the chopstick rest can be dated very far back and was used for Shinto rituals, and possibly also for some nobles. However, the reason for its development and common use in Japan has links to opening our nation’s doors to Western cultures about 150 years ago.

Japanese people traditionally had meals on individual trays with small stem-like legs in olden times. However, after our doors opened to others, the western influence of having meals at the same table with their family spread all over Japan. This is when the use of a chopstick rest began to make sense and its popularity spread across the nation. Can you see why? It is more hygienic when eating with others at the same table. 

The culture of chopstick rests has grown since then and they are available now in a tremendous array of sizes, shapes, colors, patterns, and materials. Even the possible uses have expanded. It’s easy to see how your own chopstick rest can add a personal touch to your table setting!  Even though it is tiny, its presence on your table and statement of personal style can be powerful. It can also reflect on the style of meal you’ve chosen to serve.Chopstick rests can be selected carefully to reflect dishes, seasons, special occasions, or even just a mood. 

Although chopstick rests are now commonplace and no longer novel, not everyone in Japan uses one. I suppose it’s a bit like a napkin ring or holder on western table settings; if your mother used it on your table daily, you may do the same as it’s familiar to you.  If you only saw it being used at the table for special occasions, you may use it more selectively and rarely. It is quite similar to how chopstick rests are used here in Japan.

We’d love to share the experience of using chopsticks and rests with you! Using a chopstick rest helps you pace your meal and this is held in great esteem in Japan; it’s a sign of refinement. Just like you may set your fork down to pause during your meal, we rest our chopsticks. It also gives you that much needed reminder to slow down and enjoy your daily meals. So much of life is spent rushing! Why not slow down and enjoy it?


 *looks like some countries like Korea and Vietnam also have customs using chopstick rests, I want to know the story for them too.



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